We concluded negotiations with the Department of Budget and Management regarding budget reductions effecting our members. The agreement includes the following:
- The 2% COLA for FY 21 will be eliminated for bargaining unit E members
- The $500 tuition and training reimbursement program will be discontinued
- Beginning on 8/12/20 leave time will no longer be treated as work time for the purposes of earning overtime for FY 21
- Beginning on 1/1/21, the State will no longer pay more than the negotiated health benefits premium percentages. The State will revert to contributing 80% of the premium charge for PPO plans, 85% of the premium for the EOP plan, 85% of the premium for the IHM plan, 80% of the prescription drug plan and 50% of the dental plan as agreed upon in the MOU.
- If additional federal/relief, stimulus funding is received in FY 21, the Union may request to reopen negotiations regarding the eliminated FY 21 COLA
Please find the ammendment to the MOU below: