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AFTHCMD Organizing Blitz 2019

AFT Healthcare-Maryland sent members and staff on a “blitz” to organize employees in bargaining Unit E. The blitz brought committed member activists together with staff from AFT-Maryland, AFT’s national office, and our partners at AFSCME to engage public health care professionals across the state and bring them to the union. The blitz was led by Robin Raynor who has extensive experience organizing Unit E employees.

AFT Healthcare-Maryland has reason to be optimistic: following the blitz, member density at one facility is up to 66%. The union has benefitted from enigmatic and charming member activists who have generated positive feelings about the union. The blitz allowed organizers to share with members the value of the union beyond the singular charismatic figures. In other parts of the state, particularly in places like western Maryland, challenges facing the union are largely about the distance between members and their inability to connect with one another. Members and organizers were able to take this information and develop means to bridge the gap and allow members to feel more connected even when their work may be distant. 

Organizers shared how valuable it was to have members going with them on the blitz. Although there was greater feedback and engagement at worksite visits as opposed to home visits, having members go out to do the organizing allowed for greater worksite access as well as greater engagement and familiarity with the members and potential members reached during the blitz. The best news following the weeklong action was that the blitz this year brought in more new members than the blitz last year. Overall it was a successful effort that will only help to grow and strengthen our union.


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