It’s all hands on deck time! The newest version of "Trumpcare" might just be the worst. Find out the key facts about ‘Graham-Cassidy’ legislation - which slashes Medicaid, transfers funds from states that expanded Medicaid to those that provide meager support for health coverage, allows states to raise costs to sick and older residents, and charges more for essential coverage like maternity care. See below for ways to engage:
On AFT All In website.
More on the latest #Trumpcare and to see the impact on your state:
- 12 Facts About the Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill
- Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Bill Would Reduce Federal Funding to States by $215 Billion
- Like Other ACA Repeal Bills, Cassidy-Graham Plan Would Add Millions to Uninsured, Destabilize Individual Market
Trumpcare is NOT dead—Here's what you can do to resist!
We need to keep the pressure on.
Call your Senators and Governors to opposed Graham-Cassidy. Call your senators today and tell them to reject this bill: 1-855-272-3909 or find a resistance event near you.
Key votes:
via AFT Nurses and Health Professionals Weekly News Update
News for September 22